JU Århus udpeget som værtsskole for nyt grønt videnscenter🌱🤓♻️🧑‍💻 LÆS MERE ☀️ Skolen holder sommerferielukket i uge 28-29-30. Du har mulighed for at tilmelde dig en uddannelse med studiestart til august helt frem til d. 28. juli 2024 ☀️

Welcome to Green Academy

Green Academy is a vocational school that was founded in 1889. The school is situated in the heart of Denmark – on the peninsula of Jutland just outside Denmark's second-largest city, Aarhus.

Green Academy offers a broad range of educations within all green areas: Landscaping, Gardening, Floristry, Foresting, Farming, Farm Machinery Operating, Animal Care and Nursery, both for Danish and international students.

Besides offering different educations, by participating in different Erasmus+ projects (Key Action 1 and Key action 2) and Nordplus projects, we give the students and the staff the opportunity to spend a period abroad. This is to increase their skills and their future employability.

In the past few years, Green Academy has successfully secured Erasmus+ founding, each year sending more than 30 students for three weeks internships all over Europe.


In 2018, Green Academy has been awarded the prestigious Erasmus+ Vocational Education and Training (VET) Charter as a result of this success. This Charter recognizes the school’s excellent performance, managing student mobility projects.

Do you want to know more?

Karolina Sikala_ny.jpg
Karolina Sikala
International koordinator