JU Århus udpeget som værtsskole for nyt grønt videnscenter🌱🤓♻️🧑‍💻 LÆS MERE ☀️ Skolen holder sommerferielukket i uge 28-29-30. Du har mulighed for at tilmelde dig en uddannelse med studiestart til august helt frem til d. 28. juli 2024 ☀️

Code of Conduct, Rules and Regulations

Here you can find in-depth information about what Green Academy considers good behaviour when students attend our courses and use our facilities. You can also look into our exam regulations.

Code of Conduct for the educational institute

Code of conduct for using the school

Absence rules for the teaching area

Examination regulations EUD

Contact us to learn more

Karolina Sikala_ny.jpg
Karolina Sikala
International koordinator