JU Århus udpeget som værtsskole for nyt grønt videnscenter🌱🤓♻️🧑‍💻 LÆS MERE ☀️ Skolen holder sommerferielukket i uge 28-29-30. Du har mulighed for at tilmelde dig en uddannelse med studiestart til august helt frem til d. 28. juli 2024 ☀️


The canteen is a meeting place for students and employees at lunchtime. It is also here you eat breakfast and tea if you stay in our boarding school. Every week, the kitchen makes a new menu with warm and cold dishes, to encourage healthy and various eating habits for the guests of the canteen. It is possible to buy homemade pastry, refreshments and our own preserved goods.

Our canteen has a bronze medal in using organic food, and we make an effort to reduce food waste in our kitchen.