JU Århus udpeget som værtsskole for nyt grønt videnscenter🌱🤓♻️🧑‍💻 LÆS MERE ☀️ Skolen holder sommerferielukket i uge 28-29-30. Du har mulighed for at tilmelde dig en uddannelse med studiestart til august helt frem til d. 28. juli 2024 ☀️


The school has its own assembly of machinery with different agricultural machines. You will find the assembly of machinery on our farm Bredballegård. We use the machines when we harvest, sow and prepare the fields. In addition, the students learn to dissemble the machines and learn how to drive an agriculture machine by use of GPS-steering.

Our agriculture machines have many colours. Some are old, and some are new. There are different types for different purposes.