JU Århus udpeget som værtsskole for nyt grønt videnscenter🌱🤓♻️🧑‍💻 LÆS MERE ☀️ Skolen holder sommerferielukket i uge 28-29-30. Du har mulighed for at tilmelde dig en uddannelse med studiestart til august helt frem til d. 28. juli 2024 ☀️

The shop

The school has its own shop. It is located in the Beder department of the school. You can buy work clothes, books, drawing requisites, sandwiches, softdrinks, pruning shears, coffee, fruit etc., etc.

Ulla minds the shop. She will help you find whatever you need. You can pay by cash, debit card or the Danish MobilPay. Opening hours is in the breaks – except on Friday afternoons.